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In one tablet:
Vitamin A, C, E, Riboflavin, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Sodium bicarbonate, Potassium bicarbonate
+ Proprietary Blend:
Maltodextrin, Lonicera flower, Forsythia fruit, Schizonepeta, Ginger, Chinese Vitex, Isatis, Echinacea, Glutamine, Lysine

Above minus (-)
Selenium, Sodium and Potassium bicarbonate

Minus (-)
Sodium and Potassium bicarbonate

Same as Gummies

Hot Soothing Mix:
Same as Gummies

Same as Effervescent

Plus Energy:
Above Plus (+)
Thiamine, Niacin, Pyridoxine, Folic acid, Vit B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid

--- Immune health support

--- 1 hour average

--- 24 hours

--- Some benefit if taken when you start feeling something. Like you are coming down with something.

--- May reduce the severity of a cold

--- Not effective if you already have a cold

--- It does not prevent a cold, may reduce the severity.

--- Take when you feel a cold coming on.

--- Take when people around you have a cold.

--- Take daily during cold season for immunity boost.

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Retail Pharmacy Price:
Airborne: $8.99 / 10 ct

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Zincum Gluconicum 2x

Daytime / Nightime
Zincum Gluconicum 1x
Zincum Gluconicum 1x, Melatonin 2x, Chamomile 2x

Plus Natural Immune Support
Zincum Gluconicum 1x, Rose Hip 1x, Echinacea Purpurea Extract 2x, Caffeine 1x, Ginseng 2x
Per tablet

--- Shortening the duration of a cold if taken when you feel a cold coming on.

--- May reduce the severity of a cold

1 hour

Every 6 hours

--- May cut the duration of cold by 1 or 2 days.

--- Actually like the day/night combination. Night time doubles as sleep aid.

--- Hard to mask the taste of zinc, so formulations may leave a taste in the mouth.

--- Oral spray may leave an after taste of zinc.

--- No harm in adding cold ease to your cold cabinet. If you sense a cold coming on, take some.

--- Not particularly interested in the oral spray. Our test customers did not like the after taste.

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0% (0 out of 0) found medication helpful.
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Retail Pharmacy Price:
$19.99 / 18 ct

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Original Formula
Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, B12,  folic acid, pantothenic acid, calcium, phoaphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, chromium, sodium, potassium, alpha lipoic acid, quercetin
in one packet.

Same as above

Above + Vitamin D and Arabinogalactan (Larix laricina), Beta Glucans, Stevia (leaf extract)
 per packet


--- Immune booster against the common cold.

--- Supports immune system

1 hr

12 hours

-- Good tasting.

--- Good for morning drinks before leaving home.

--- May reduce the duration of a cold

- - - - - - - -
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Retail Pharmacy Price:
$19.99 / 30 ct

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Rapidmelts, Oral Mist, Ultra Crystals, Lozenges, Chewables:
Zincum aceticum 2x
Zincum gluconicum 1x

--- Reduce the duration and severity of a cold

1 hr.

8 hours

--- May reduce the severity of a cold if taken as you feel a cold coming on.

--- Taste of oral mist not pleasant.

- - - -
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Retail Pharmacy Price:
Zicam Citrus: $25.99 / 40 ct

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Anas barbariae hepatis et cordis extractum (extract of Muscovy Duck liver and heart) 200CK HPUS

--- Reduce the duration and severity of flu-like symptoms

1 hour

8 hours

--- Can be taken by children 2 years and older

--- It actually works to help with flu-like symptoms if taken at the first signs of symptoms.

--- Expensive

- - - -
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Retail Pharmacy Price:
$19.99 / 12 ct

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Elderberry dried extract 130 mg
Vitamin C   100 mg

Cold & Flu
Zinc gluconate 2x,6x, Sambucus nigra 3x,6x, Gelsemium sempervirens 6x,12x,30x, Bryonia alba 6x, Sulphur 12x

Cold & Flu + Passiflora incarnata 6x HPUS for insomnia.

--- Antioxidants for body cells protection

Cold & Flu   
--- Reduce the duration and severity of common cold.

--- Reduce the duration and severity of common cold while helping you get some sleep.

1 hr

8 hrs

--- Black Elderberry contains  anthocyanin flavonoids which has a remarkable ability to boost the immune system. 

- - - - - - - -
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Retail Pharmacy Price:
Sambucol: $19.99 / 30 ct

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Allium cepa 3C, Apis mellifica 6C, Belladonna 6C, Eupatorium perfoliatum 3C, Gelsemium sempervirens 6C, Kali bichromicum 6C, Nux vomica 3C, Phytolacca decandra 6C, Pulsatilla 6C

--- Assist in relief of cold

- - - - - - - -


--- You are on your own. All company would tell us is that it is a homeopathic formula and people react differently to it.

--- No proof it is better than a placebo.

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Retail Pharmacy Price:
$14.99 / 60 ct

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Cetylpyridinium Chloride (0.1%)

Need More Information

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Retail Pharmacy Price:
Oral Spray: $9.99 / 30ml

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Arabinogalactan (from Larch Trees) Larix laricina 1350mg
per 2 tablets serving size

--- supports natural immune function by increasing beneficial immune cell populations and/or increasing antibody production based on the immune stressor.    

--- Antioxidant capacity

Daily use recommended

- - - -

--- Possibly effective in helping the immune system

- - - - - - - -
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+100% (1 out of 1) found medication helpful.
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Retail Pharmacy Price:
$7.99 / 20 ct