Back Pain

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Lower back pain?


We will refer mainly to pain felt in the lower back.

This is common because the lower back supports most of your body's weight.

Let's see what you are looking at.





Back pain

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Did this back pain occur after a severe injury?

Severe blow or fall?



Is this back pain so bad you can hardly move?


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Here is why:

  • Over-the-counter pain reliever is not going to cut this.

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Let's have an idea of what may be causing this back pain.

This assumes no injury.

Know that back pain can be caused by many things. Even doctors have difficulties diagnosing back pain due to many factors involved.

Let's rule out anything major and see if over-the-counter remedies would give you relief until you see a specialist.





Back pain

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How bad is it?

Is this a pain that goes from the lower back into your buttocks and ...

... down the back of your thigh, calf and leg?



Let's rule out sciatic nerve pain (sciatica) or herniated disc.

Know that sciatic nerve pain is a symptom of a herniated or slipped disc.


Are you experiencing numbness and tingling of the affected leg?

Leg feeling weak?


This is a sign of sciatica.

You may have pain in one part of your leg and numbness in another.


Is this like a burning or stabbing pain?




Try lifting your legs straight up while lying down.

Did the pain get worse?


Looking at a possible sciatic nerve pain.


Try coughing, laughing or sneezing.

Did the pain get worse?


This is a sign of sciatic nerve pain (sciatica).


Try bending the foot inward or downwards.

Are you having difficulty with this?


Pressure on the sciatic nerve can make this hard to do.


Did this start suddenly?

And is getting severe?


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Here is why:

  • Need to rule out nerve damage.

Nearest Clinic


Those were brief signs and symptoms of sciatica.

Sciatica occurs when there is pressure or injury to the sciatic nerve which starts in the lower spine and runs down the back of each leg.


Know that it is itself a symptom of another medical condition, not a medical condition on its own.

Causes include slipped or herniated discs, injury, spinal stenosis, pregnancy, cancer to name a few.

Because of this, it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible to see what is causing it.

If sciatica is suspected by the doctor, he or she may test your strength, reflexes, and sensation.

If the pain is sharp and severe, you should seek urgent care or go to the emergency room.

If not, let's continue and see what a pharmacist recommend you do for now until you can see a doctor for a more comprehensive evaluation.

We will take a brief look at other possible causes of lower back pain before you see what you can use over the counter.

ER FYI Continue




Back pain

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Do you feel the pain anywhere else apart from the back?
(like in your hip, thigh, leg or feet)


Possible nerve pressure or damage in the spine area.

If the pain is sudden and sharp, you should seek urgent care or emergency room visit.


Do you have fever with this back pain?


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Here is why:

  • Possible infection
  • More serious than you think.

Nearest Clinic


Is the back and spine red and/or swollen


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Here is why:

  • Need to rule out infection.

Nearest Clinic


Do you also have blood in the urine with this back pain?




What about burning pain while urinating and your back is hurting you?


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Here is why:

  • Possible urinary tract infection
  • Kidney infection.

Nearest Clinic


With this back pain is there also sudden loss of bowel or bladder control?


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Here is why:

  • Need to rule out severe nerve damage.

Nearest Clinic


Does the affected area on the back feel tight?

like a knot?


Possible muscle spasm going on with the back muscles.

You will need to go to the nearest urgent care clinic for this as this can be very painful.

There are no muscle relaxants over the counter.

If the pain is not too severe, let's continue and see what a pharmacist recommend you do for now.


Assuming from here on that you are looking at a back muscle sprain / strain.

You'll usually first feel back pain just after you:

  • improperly lifted a heavy object

  • suddenly exerted a physical effort

  • slept wrongly on your stomach

  • sat in one position for a long time

  • sat with a thick wallet in your back pocket

  • carried a heavy backpack or shoulder bag

  • lack muscle tone

  • have excess weight around your middle.

Let's continue and see what a pharmacist recommend you do.

Or do you think you should seek urgent care from the discussions so far?

Urgent Care Continue




Back Pain

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How bad is this back pain on a scale of 1 to 10


Not too bad so far.

Let's see what a pharmacist recommend over the counter to help with this back pain.

Or would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you?

Getting bad.

Let's see what a pharmacist recommend over the counter to help with this back pain.

You should see a doctor as soon as possible except if you are familiar with the cause.

Would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you?

Pretty bad.

You should see a doctor as soon as possible except if you are familiar with the cause.

Let's see what a pharmacist recommend over the counter to help with this back pain until you can see a doctor.

Or do you think you should seek urgent care right now?