Chest congestion

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Chest congestion?

Let's see what will take care of chest congestion over the counter.


Sometimes when you have a cold or flu, the virus may spread to the nose, sinuses, throat and down to the tubes that take air to the lungs.

When these tubes get inflammed, a lot of mucus can be produced giving you a feeling of chest congestion just like you will have nasal or sinus congestion.

You would need to act fast to make sure this mucus does not trap bacteria which can then lead to an infection like pneumonia.

We will talk about what you will describe as chest cold or having a lot of mucus in the chest area.

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Chest congestion

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Was this chest congestion brought about after a cold, flu?

Or allergy symptoms?

Yes No




Chest congestion

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Is it pneumonia?

Do you have a fever greater than 101°F with this chest congestion?



Let's rule out an infection of the lungs like pneumonia.


Are you coughing up greenish or thick yellowish mucus?




What about mucus that is bloody or blood tinged or rust-colored?

Anything like that?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Possible bacteria infection.

Nearest Clinic


Are you experiencing shaking and or chills?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Need to rule out pneumonia.

Nearest Clinic


Are you breathing faster than normal?

Faster heart beats?




What about shortness of breath when you try to climb the stairs or do some exercise?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Need to rule out pneumonia.
  • The lungs are getting affected.

Nearest Clinic


Are you experiencing excessive sweating?

Or unusually sweating at night?




Try taking a deep breath or coughing out loud.




Did you experience a stabbing or sharp chest pain?

Or did the chest pain you already have get worse?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Sign and symptom of pneumonia infection.

Nearest Clinic


Was this chest congestion getting better before and now it is getting bad again?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • May have led to an infection.

Nearest Clinic


Those were the main signs and symptoms of pneumonia.

If they applied to you, seek urgent care.

Do not try to tough it out or do self care. It will only get worse and lead to complications.

If this is not the case, let's continue and see if you are looking at a simple case of bronchitis or something else.

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Chest congestion

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Is it bronchitis?

Did you experience a cough that started out dry and hacking?

And now it is bringing up mucus?


Let's make sure you are not looking at acute bronchitis.

Bronchitis is the swelling and inflammation of the tubes that takes air to the lungs.

This can lead to narrowing of the airways and cause a lot of mucus to be produced in the tubes leading to shortness of breath, coughing and so on.

Usually, when these tubes start getting irritated, you will be experiencing a dry, hacking cough,

Then with time the inflammation will produce mucus making the cough productive.



Are you experiencing shortness of breath that get worse when you do something active?


This is a sign of acute bronchitis.


You may have a low-grade fever.

Is this the case?




Try Taking a deep breath.

Do you have a sensation of tightness or dull pain in the chest area?


This is a sign and symptom of acute bronchitis.


Is your energy level pretty low?




Has this been going on now for longer than 2 weeks?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Risk of developing pneumonia increasing.

Nearest Clinic


Those were the signs and symptoms of acute bronchitis.

Just as you have a cold virus causing nasal congestion and sinus congestion. They can also cause congestion in the airways of the lungs.

The cold may be gone, but the congestion in the airways may remain.

If they are not cleared on time, they can trap bacteria leading to pneumonia, just as you would have a sinus infection.

If it is going on longer than 2 weeks, definitely seek urgent care or call the doctor for full evaluation.

Would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you or see what is available over the counter for chest cold for now?

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Chest congestion

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You will have to see a doctor on this one.

Self care is not adviced. You may have a serious problem.

First, let's rule out serious situations that can make it feel like you are having a chest cold.


Are you experiencing severe shortness of breath with this chest congestion feeling?


Go to the Emergency Room.

Here is why:

  • Possible problem with the heart.
  • Possible anaphylactic reaction.

Seek urgent care

We do not advice continuing for now. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.

Nearest ER


Are you experiencing a swollen tongue?

Or swollen lips with a feeling of chest congestion?


Go to the Emergency Room.

Here is why:

  • Possible anaphylactic reaction.

Seek urgent care

We do not advice continuing for now. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.

Nearest ER


What about chest feeling tight and painful?

With coughing?


Go to the Emergency Room.

Here is why:

  • Possible heart attack.

Seek urgent care

We do not advice continuing for now. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.

Nearest ER


Do you have heart problems and it is like your chest is congested?

And you are working extra hard to breath?


Go to the Emergency Room.

Here is why:

  • Congestive heart failure.

If you wake up from sleep after an hour or 2 due to shortness of breath, start heading to the emergency room.

Seek urgent care

We do not advice continuing for now. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.

Nearest ER


We tried to rule out emergency situations related to the chest feeling congested.

If your feeling of chest congestion is not due to a cold or flu, don't try self care.

Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

If you would like to take a look at out entry for a chest cold due to cold or flu symptoms, let's continue. Else start calling the doctor or heading to the emergency room.

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