Also an infected hair follicle of the eyelash can cause a red bump at the base of the eyelash , under or inside the eyelid. Then you will be looking at a sty(e). There are other reasons to develop a stye.
Let's see if it is a sty you are looking at. For instance, how do you know it is not an insect bite or allergy or something more serious?
It could also be just below or above the eyelid.
We will recommend you check out the other eye conditions we have listed and see which symptoms closely match what you are experiencing.
Would you like to continue or check out the nearest urgent care medical center to you?
Continuing would assume you are looking at some kind of swelling on the eyelid.
We will assume you are looking at a bump or pimple from here forward.
Let's answer some more questions.
A stye does not cause swelling on the face.
This will depend on how bad it is. Most of the time with sty, you will have to see a doctor. But some you can self manage.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
You will need prescription medications to get rid of this.
If you are satisfied you are looking at a sty and don't need to see a doctor yet. Let's see what a pharmacist recommend.