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Let's see what will work over-the-counter for your dry eyes.
Treating dry eyes depends on the cause. Some conditions can be managed or reversed.
Others require a more detailed evaluation by a healthcare professional.
Take a look at the approaches available for dry eyes management below. Of these, the approach available over-the-counter is Lubrication. Continue to see what will work best for your dry eyes by answering a few questions.
These include artificial tears, lubricant eye gels and ointments.
The problem with artificial tears is that there are so many different brands, gel, solution, ointment, preservatives and so on to choose from. Be sure to use the eye drops comparison table of this app to choose a good product that will work best for you.
To plug the drainage duct of tears in the eye.
For inflammation. Require prescriptions
Restasis is a prescription eye drops used to increase tear production in patients whose tear production is presumed to be suppressed due to ocular inflammation associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca.
Xiidra is approved to treat both the signs and symptoms of Dry Eye Disease.
These are both prescription medications. You will have to see a doctor for these.
Like doxycycline.
Of these, the approaches available over-the-counter are:
Let's use this information to choose a good over-the-counter remedy assuming you used the "grade your dry eye tool" provided by refresh brand to get your dry eye severity OSDI score.
You can get the tool here if you need to. Remember to come back and see what to use over-the-counter.
Which of these apply to your dry eye situation assuming you used the "grade your dry eye" tool.
1. Stay away from medications that cause dry eyes. Antihistamines, antidepressants, some blood pressure medicines and even birth control pills may cause dry eyes.
2. Blink more often
3. Use eyelid wipes often.
4. Spend some money on Omega-3 oils.
Please see a doctor for this dry eyes.
Oops! We must have left some things out. Please choose what closely align with what you are experiencing and see what we suggest to use over-the-counter.
These have a high viscosity and last longer as eye lubricants.
But they also cause more blurred vision for several minutes after applying them. So you don't want to use these during the day or while driving.
Save these for night time use. But know that you can have blurred vision for up to an hour after waking up.
Use these for quick relief during the day as they provide little to no blurring. But you have to apply often.
Look for preservative free. They are more expensive but the benefits are important for long term use.
You may have to try different types before you find a good fit for you. So buy the smallest size the first time trying them.
Get the single use vials if cost is not a factor.
For nighttime use, prefer the gel over the ointment.
See the comparison section of this app to see how to choose a good dry eyedrops.
Use a warm compress. Just lay a warm, damp cloth on your eyes for a few minutes.
Problem is, for warm compress to work well, you have to use it for up to 10 minutes at a temperature averaging 108°F. Good luck with that.
Get the preservative free eye drops if possible. These provide less irritation and may last longer.
If you use eye drops more than 4 times a day, go preservative free.
Formulations with vanishing preservatives are excellent choice. These preservatives turn into water or a non-toxic chemical when they come in contact with the tear film or exposed to air.
Watery Artificial Tears during the day + Nighttime gel
1. Go with brand name products. Stay away from store brands.
There are additives in artificial tears that make them different. Brands compete amongst each other. Pay the extra buck or better yet get a manufacturer's coupon.
2. Invest in a humidifier
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