Let's see what can get you some sleep that is available over the counter.
If you have to take over-the-counter sleep aids for more than 5 nights in a row, then it is time to talk to a doctor.
Often, lack of sleep is the symptom that would make someone with depression who doesn't know to seek medical help.
(Discuss sleep apnea) Central sleep apnea consists of repeated episodes of breathing cessation or shallow breathing during sleep, lasting at least 10 sec, caused by diminished respiratory effort. The disorder typically manifests as insomnia or as disturbed and unrefreshing sleep.
Obstructive sleep apnea consists of episodes of partial or complete closure of the upper airway during sleep, leading to cessation of breathing for > 10 sec. Sometimes patients awaken, gasping. These episodes disrupt sleep and result in a feeling of unrefreshing sleep and EDS
Sleep maintenance insomnia suggests advanced sleep phase syndrome, major depression, central or obstructive sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, or aging. In patients with significant snoring, frequent awakenings, and other risk factors, obstructive sleep apnea is quite likely.
If you wake up feeling refreshed, you are getting enough sleep. For some people, this may take only 4 hours. Others may need up to 10 hours to feel rested.
Let's Continue.
Lack of sleep is a key symptom of depression, you should be checked for depression if you are having trouble sleeping.
See a dcotor if your sleeping problem occur more than 3 nights per week for more than 1 month
Let's continue to see what a pharmacist think would work for you over-the-counter until you can see a doctor for an evaluation if you are not at the moment.
Meanwhile, let's continue and see what can get you some sleep that is available over-the-counter if you are using good sleeping habits.
You should use the bed only for sleep. Consider it a place where you want to rest your head for the day.
Just to remind you that over-the-counter sleep aids are for occasional use like if your menstrual period is here or if you have a big day tomorrow and you want to sleep good.
If sleep problems persists, let your doctor know. It may be a sign of something serious.
If you ran out of the prescription and would like to see what a pharmacist recommend over-the-counter, let's continue.
Just to remind you that over-the-counter sleep aids are for occasional use like if your menstrual period is here or if you have a big day tomorrow and you want to sleep good and so on.
If sleep problems persists, let your doctor know. It may be a sign of something serious.
Just to remind you that over-the-counter sleep aids are for occasional use like if your menstrual period is here or if you have a big day tomorrow and you want to sleep good and so on.
If sleep problems persists, let your doctor know. It may be a sign of something serious.