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Let's see what to use over the counter to help you get some sleep.


woman sleeping in bed

We will take a look at the different types of over-the-counter sleep aids.

Then, answer a few questions to figure out what will work best for you based on why you need a sleep aid in the first place.

For instance, if you need a sleep aid because you work night shifts, melatonin may be useful. If you need one because you have a big day tomorrow that require mental alertness, you may want to stay away from sleep aids with diphenhydramine.

Types of OTC medications for sleep are listed below, take a look and then continue to see what will work best for you.


Antihistamines cause drowsiness by blocking histamine produced by the central nervous system. This side effect of drowsiness is what will make you sleep.

Sleeping woman

Diphenhydramine and doxylamine are common antihistamines used as sleep aids. There are subtle differences between the two. Be sure to check the comparison section of this app for a great way to choose a sleep aid that will work best for you.

Tolerance to antihistamines as a sleep aid can develop quickly. Use them 2 to 3 nights at a time or they won't work for you after a while.


Antihistamine + Pain relievers

Antihistamines are commonly combined with pain relievers. This is useful if you had a busy day, came down with a headache and want something to give you a good night's sleep. Good examples are:

1. Acetaminophen + Diphenhydramine

Use this if you have a headache and this headache is keeping you from sleeping.

Sleepless woman

2. Ibuprofen or Naproxen + Diphenhydramine

Use this if you have body aches and muscle pain and you are afraid this will keep you up. This combination gives anti-inflammatory pain relief with a sleep aid.

Do not use these for more than 3 nights at a time. That is easy to say. What if you can't sleep after 3 nights? We suggest you see a doctor. But before then, go with melatonin. See if that will help.



Melatonin may help with difficulty falling asleep and or staying asleep. It can tell your body it is time to go to sleep and as such, it is the sleep aid of choice in jet lags and shift work.

Man wide awake

Look for synthetic melatonin. We discourage natural ones. Natural melatonin is made from the pineal gland of animals and this can be easily contaminated with a virus or something. This is an instance where natural doesn't mean safe to take.




Valerian root or stem is used for sleeplessness and anxiety. It is useful for sleep when you are going through anxiety or stress related situations.

Formulations of valerian can vary in composition among manufacturers and even with the same manufacturer it can vary with different lots, date of manufacture and so on. This is because levels of constituents vary among plant and even depends on when the plant was harvested.

Be sure to look for a good manufacturer to buy from.



These are used in combination with other sleep aids.

They include chamomile, lemon balm leaf extract, hops extract.....

Be sure to compare sleep aids using our comparison table.



Now, use this information to choose an over-the-counter sleep aid that will work best for you.


OK. Why do you need a sleep aid?

Woman sleeping in bed

Choose why from the common reasons below and see what is recommended.


Selection require an antihistamine sleep aid.


Selection require antihistamine with painrelief combination sleep aids.


Selection require melatonin.


Selection require valerian sleep aid.


Selection require a combination type of sleep aid.


Symptoms require antihistamine or antihistamine with pain relief sleeping pills.


Symptoms require antihistamine and/or melatonin


Symptoms require antihistamine and/or valerian.


Symptoms require antihistamine and/or combination sleep aids.


Symptoms require antihistamine + pain relief and / or melatonin


Symptoms require antihistamine + pain relief and / or valerian.


Symptoms require antihistamine + pain relief and / or combination sleep aids


Symptoms require melatonin and / or valerian


Symptoms require melatonin or combination sleep aids


Symptoms require valerian or combination sleep aids


Symptoms require antihistamine or antihistamine + pain relief and / or melatonin


Symptoms require antihistamine or antihistamine + pain relief and / or valerian


Symptoms require antihistamine or antihistamine + pain relief and / or combination sleep aids


Symptoms require antihistamine and / or melatonin and / or valerian


Symptoms require antihistamine and / or melatonin and / or a combination sleep aid


Symptoms require antihistamine and / or valerian or combination sleep aid


Symptoms require antihistamine + pain relief combo and / or melatonin and / or valerian.


Symptoms require antihistamine + pain relief combo and / or melatonin or combination sleep aid.


Symptoms require antihistamine + pain relief combo and / or valerian or combination sleep aid


Symptoms require melatonin, valerian or combination sleep aid.


Symptoms require antihistamine or antihistamine + pain relief and / or melatonin and / or valerian


Symptoms require antihistamine or antihistamine + pain relief and / or melatonin or combination sleep aid.


Symptoms require antihistamine or antihistamine + pain relief and / or valerian or combination sleep aid.


Symptoms require antihistamine and / or melatonin, valerian or combination sleep aid.


Symptoms require antihistamine + pain relief and / or melatonin, valerian or combination sleep aid.


Symptoms require antihistamine or antihistamine + pain relief combo, melatonin, valerian or combination sleep aids.


Something to prevent sleep?


Staying Awake


All of these?
You must have this sleeplessness really bad.

Your best bet would be to visit the nearest urgent care clinic or see your healthcare provider.


None of these?
We must have left something out.

Please go back and choose what closely relate to what you are experiencing and see what we recommend over-the-counter.



Blocking histamine produced by the central nervous system has the side effect of drowsiness.

Sleeping woman

Diphenhydramine and doxylamine are the common antihistamines used as sleep aids. There are little differences between the two. Be sure to check the comparison section of this app for a good way to choose a sleep aid that will work best for you.

Tolerance to antihistamines as a sleep aid can develop quickly. Use them 2 to 3 nights a week for a short time.



Antihistamine + Pain relief

Antihistamines are commonly combined with pain relievers. This is useful if you had a busy day, came down with a headache and want something to give you a good night's sleep.

Sleepless woman

Acetaminophen + Diphenhydramine
Use this if you have a headache and this headache is keeping you from sleeping.

Ibuprofen or Naproxen + Diphenhydramine
Use this if you have body aches and muscle pain and you are afraid this will keep you up. This combination provides and anti-inflammatory pain relief with a sleep aid.

Do not use these for more than 3 nights at a time. That is easy to say. What if you can't sleep after 3 nights? See a doctor. But before then, go with melatonin. See if that will help. Use the comparison section of this app to compare sleep aids and see what will work best for you.




It may help with difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep. It can tell your body it is time to go to sleep. The sleep aid of choice in jet lags and shift work.

Man wide awake

Look for synthetic melatonin. We discourage natural ones. Natural melatonin is made from the pineal gland of animals and this can be easily contaminated with a virus or something. This is a situation where natural doesn't mean safe to take.




Valerian root or stem is used as a sleep aid for sleeplessness and nervous tensions. It is useful for sleep when you are going through anxiety or stress related situations.

Sleeping woman

Different formulations of valerian can vary in composition among manufacturers and even with the same manufacturer it can vary with different lots, date of manufacture and so on. This is because levels of constituents vary among plants and even depend on when the plant was harvested.

Be sure to look for a good manufacturer to buy from.




These are used in combination with other sleep aids.

They include chamomile, lemon balm leaf extract, hops extract.....

Compare sleep aids using our comparison table.



Worth doing

Do not take sleep medication with diphenhydramine if your sleeplessness is due to anxiety or similar stressful situations. You will be wide awake all night.



Last updated by pharmacist on 08/25/2018 at 04:57:pm






Know this about the safe and effective use of this recommendation.
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  • Recommendation is the opinion of a registered US Pharmacist currently practicing as a community pharmacist.
  • Recommendation is not an attempt to discuss all possible self care or treatment approach to this health challenge.
  • The responsibility of the recommending pharmacist is limited to this question:
    "If a patient presents with these symptoms, what will you recommend and why?"
    It is not an attempt to publish an article on the treatment of any condition. Just what would you tell a patient who present with so and so in the usual course of your practice.
  • The pharmacist image presented in this article may or may not be the actual image of the authoring pharmacist.
    Because we insist on using articles written by currently practicing community pharmacists, these pharmacists may choose to remain anonymous especially if they are employed by an employer to avoid being pressured to recommend a particular product to drive sales.
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