There are many types of arthritis. We will discuss the most common type called osteoarthritis, which is due to wear and tear on the joints and aging.
A rubbery tissue called cartilage cushions your bones at the joints and allows gliding of the bones. If it wears down, the bones rub together, cushioning is decreased or eliminated leading to pain, swelling and stiffness.
Let's see if you have arthritis anyway and not just a muscle sprain or minor joint pain before you see what is available for arthritis over-the-counter.
It may just be a form of joint sprain. Anyway, let's continue and see what you can uncover.
Arthritis usually invlove:
Arthritis usually invlove:
Arthritis usually invlove:
Stiffness follows waking up or inactivity but lasts less than 30 min and lessens when you start moving about.
Let's see if you need to see a doctor for this arthritis before we send you to the pharmacist to recommend something for you to take that is over-the-counter.
You will invariably have to see a doctor for diagnosis. This is usually by x-ray.
Usually with arthritis there is rubbing, grating, or crackling sound with movement of the joint that is affected.
Let's see if you need to see a doctor for this arthritis right away before we see what a pharmacist recommend you take over-the-counter.
Suspect arthritis if:
Let's see if you need to see a doctor urgently for this suspected arthritis before using over-the-counter measures.
Note that you still have to see a doctor for proper diagnosis.
Diagnosis is by x-rays.
An x-ray of affected joints will show a loss of the joint space. In advanced cases, there will be a wearing down of the ends of the bone and bone spurs.
The goal is to control it and hopefully reduce the need for surgery as long as possible.
Here is why:
Here is why:
There are different types of arthritis.
For now, let's get an over-the-counter pharmacist's recommendation to help with this.
Not too bad
Discuss some more and send to a pharmacist
Getting bad
Send to pharmacist after a little discussion
Seek urgent care or doctor