Canker sores develop on soft tissues in the mouth such as on the tongue, inner lips, inside the cheeks or floor of the mouth. If the sore is on the outer part of the lips or side of the mouth, you will be looking at a cold sore (fever blisters).
Canker sore (inside the mouth) would cause a burning sensation or pain and this can last for about one week.
Let's see what is available over the counter to take care of canker sores.
It would be important to rule out anything major that may be causing it such as drug allergies, any kind of allergy or viral infection.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
Before you see what a pharmacist recommend you use over-the-counter, let's see if you are looking at a canker sore to begin with.
Usually, this red spots or bumps would develop into an open ulcer very soon.
Let's see what may have caused it.
If you are still thinking canker sore, would you like to continue or seek urgent care?
Examples include:
Discuss this canker sore side effect with the doctor. Until then let's see what a pharmacist recommend you use over-the-counter for relief.
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend you use over-the-counter for relief.