Nasal Congestion

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Nose stuffed up?

Nasal congestion happens when the tissues lining the nose swells up.


Congestion is usually due to the inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in the tissues that line the inside of the nose.

You will need a decongestant which helps to shrink the swollen blood vessels in the tissues or a steroidal nasal spray which helps with the inflammation helping to reduce the swelling.

Let's see how a pharmacist can help with this nasal congestion.

man with sinus congestion

FYI Continue




Nasal congestion

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Which of these do you think is causing the stuffy nose?
Nasal polyps?
Sac-like growths of inflamed tissue lining the nose or sinuses.

Symptoms usually include:

  • Runny nose
  • Reduced or complete loss of sense of smell
  • Nose feeling blocked
  • Breathing through the mouth

For nasal polyps, you would need to see a doctor. You will also need a steroidal nasal spray.

Well, let's see what a pharmacist can come up with until you see a doctor.



Let's continue and see what we can do about the nasal congestion.



Like to see the allergy entry or continue with just stuffy nose?

Continuing would assume you are only looking at a stuffy nose and no other symptoms like a runny nose associated with allergy.

Allergy Continue


Like to see the entry for cold or continue with only stuffy nose?

Continuing would assume you are only looking at a stuffy nose and no other symptoms like a sore throat, runny nose and so on associated with cold or flu.

Cold Continue


Sinus Infection?
Hope you are seeing a doctor for this sinus infection.

Let's continue and see what we can do about this stuffy nose if you are already taking care of the sinus infection.

Continuing would assume you are only looking at a stuffy nose.

Or would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to take care of the sinus infection?

Urgent Care Continue


None of these?
Oh well, we must have left something out.

Let's continue and see what we can do about the nasal congestion.







Nasal Congestion

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Need to see a doctor?

With this stuffy nose, any severe sore throat pain?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Possible upper respiratory tract infection going on.

Urgent Care


What about swollen glands or tonsils?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Looking at an infection

Urgent Care


Are you coughing out yellowish - green or gray stuff?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Possibly looking at an infection.

Urgent Care


Is your nose or cheek area swollen?


Seek urgent care or call the doctor.

Here is why:

  • Possibly looking at a sinus infection
  • You will need some antibiotics.

Urgent Care


Have you used a decongestant nasal spray or drops for more than 3 days now?


Possibly looking at a rebound effect.

Using nasal spray decongestants for more than 3 days often lead to significant rebound congestion when the effects of the drug wear off, causing you to continue using the decongestant in a vicious circle of persistent, worsening congestion.

This situation called rhinitis medicamentosa may continue for some time and you may be thinking this is a continuation of the original problem rather than a side effect of using the nasal spray.


See a doctor if the stuffiness is not accompanied by any other symptoms.

You may be looking at nasal polyps or a stuffy nose caused by medications like clonidine or flomax.

Also birth control pills and estrogen containing hormone replacement drugs may also cause nasal congestion in some women.

Let's see how bad it is.






Stuffy Nose

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On what day is this stuffy nose?


Not too bad.

Let's see what is available over the counter to help with this nasal congestion.

Or would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you based on what we have discussed so far?

Over 3 days now?

Hope the congestion improves very soon. If you develop any signs of infection such as a fever, remember to visit the nearest urgent care clinic.

Let's see what a pharmacist recommend over the counter to help with this nasal congestion.

Or would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you based on what we have discussed so far?

Taking some time.

Let's see what a pharmacist recommend you do to help with the nasal congestion.

Or would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you based on what we have discussed so far?

See a doctor on this one.

Chances are you are looking at an inflammation of the nasal and sinus passages and quite possibly an infection if it has taken this long.

For these, you will need steroids or antibiotics and there are none over the counter.

Would you like to visit the nearest urgent care clinic or still see what a pharmacist recommend over the counter to help with your nasal congestion at least for now?