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Let's take care of this runny nose.


This assumes you are experiencing a runny nose for reasons other than a cold, flu or allergy situations.

With this in mind, see what is recommended for runny nose below.

Man blowing his nose


If the runny nose is caused by histamine release as in allergy, an antihistamine should take care of it by blocking histamine getting to the cells.

Lady taking medicine

There are 2 types of antihistamines used for runny nose, first generation (diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine) and second generation (loratadine, cetirizine, fexofenadine). The main difference is drowsiness caused by first-generation antihistamines.

If the runny nose is caused by a cold, stick with the first generation antihistamines. Second generation like loratadine, cetirizine or fexofenadine do not work for cold symptoms.


Saline rinse

There are different types.

The spray is to moisturize the nasal passages.
The rinse is used to thin the mucus that lines the passages so you can gently blow it out.

Man using nasal spray

For runny nose, choose the rinse. Neti-pot is good if you are used to it, but for a quick job, get a sinus rinse with packets. Always use distilled water.

Lady using sinus rinse

We suggest you include something like Alkalol® for a soothing effect.



Steroidal nasal spray

If you already experience runny nose, this is not going to work. It needs a few days to kick in. Average 5 days. So don't waste your money if you have not been using a steroidal nasal spray and currently have runny nose.

Man using nasal spray

If you are prone to runny nose as in allergy, this has to be part of your treatment regimen. Daily use will be great for about 4 to 6 months a year.


Last updated by pharmacist on : 03/25/2018 at 08:25:pm

Compare Antihistamines



Know this about the safe and effective use of this recommendation.
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