The goal here is to act fast so the infection doesn't spread up the tract to the kidney.
Let's get started.
Bacteria can get to the bladder through the tube that empties urine from the bladder called the urethra leading to an infection. Although the body has a way of getting rid of these bacteria and keeping the urinary tract kind of sterile, sometimes the bladder can get infected.
We will answer that first.
Here is why:
Symptoms of UTI include:
Symptoms of UTI include:
Symptoms include:
You should have an idea if you are looking at a urinary tract infection or not by now.
If you think you are looking at one, let's make sure it is not too bad and if it is, make a good decision on what to do.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
If they did not apply to you, you may be looking at a lower urinary tract infection rather than an upper one which would have included the kidneys.
You will still need to see a doctor. A UTI is an infection, so you may need some antibiotics and none is available over-the-counter.
The pharmacist can only recommend something you can take to help with the burning pain available over the counter until you can see a doctor.
If this is a recurring thing for you, call the doctor's office or answering service and see if the doctor can call in something for you to the nearest pharmacy. Usually, the doctor will if you have been diagnosed with it before.
Would you like to see what a pharmacist recommend or visit the nearest urgent care clinic?
You will still need to see a doctor to treat a urinary tract infection. It is an infection, so you may need antibiotics and none is available over-the-counter.
The pharmacist can only recommend something you can take to help with the burning pain until you see a healthcare provider.
If this is a recurring thing for you, call the doctor's office or answering service and see if the doctor can call in something for you to the nearest pharmacy. Usually, the doctor will if you have been diagnosed with it before.
Would you like to see what is available over the counter or visit the nearest urgent care clinic?