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Let's take care of this yeast infection you are experiencing.


This will assume that:

  • You are not pregnant.
  • You have been previously diagnosed with yeast infection and now experiencing the same symptoms.
  • You don't get a yeast infection quite often.

Choosing an over the counter medication for yeast infection may not be as easy as you would think. There are a few questions that will go through your mind. For instance:

  • Do you need a 1 day, 3 day or 7 day treatment?
  • Should you get the ovule, suppository, cream or ointment?
  • Looking to the side, you see 'Yeast infection tablets', but reading the warning, it tells you it does not cure a yeast infection. Only helps to relieve the symptoms. Go figure.

Let's answer a few questions to help you reach a good decision.

Lady holding her stomach


Medications to treat a yeast infection are called Azoles.

Examples include fluconazole (Prescription tablets), miconazole, clotrimazole, tioconazole, ketoconazole.

Of these, miconazole, clotrimazole and tioconazole are available as over-the-counter yeast medications.

Any of these will work just as good. No preference here.

To make a good decision, here are the questions you may want to ask yourself.


Once again, is this your first yeast infection?

This assumes you have never had or experienced a yeast infection before this.


Better to see a doctor or seek urgent care.

You should only continue if a doctor told

Female doctor you what to look out for as a sign of a yeast infection. Example if you are taking antibiotics.

If you are experiencing a yeast infection for the first time, you must see a doctor even if your friends know it is a yeast infection.

Won't you at least want to know why it occurred in the first place?


Is experiencing a burning sensation a big concern for you?

OTC yeast medications can cause a burning sensation.


Then seek urgent care or call the doctor.

You will need to take the tablets. This requires a prescription.Female doctor

If you are already very irritated, very itchy and experiencing pain from the yeast infection, over the counter creams or ovules will make the feeling worse initially before it gets better.

Anyway, people react to these creams, ovules or suppository differently. If you've tried them before and experienced no problems, you may continue.


Is using this every day for 1 week, even if it is better, a concern?

Some creams will require you to use for one week even if the symptoms improve dramatically and you are better after the first few days.


Then get the 1-day or 3-day pack.

These are more expensive, because you are paying for the convenience.

The 1-day is more expensive and concentrated than the 3-day which is more expensive and concentrated than the 7-day.


Is having no sex for the next one week a concern?


Then get the 1-day or 3-day pack.

Know that 1-day doesn't mean you will get cured in one day. It will still take up to 7 days for complete relief.


Are you already very irritated and sore?


Stay away from the 1-day treatment.

This is a highly concentrated form of the medication.

It will further irritate the vagina leading to a burning and painful sensation.


Do you have a yeast infection because of antibiotics you took?


Go with the 3-day or 7-day.

You will want to gradually take care of this while recovering from the effect of the antibiotic.


Have you previously experienced a severe burning sensation with yeast medications?


May want to stay away from the 1-day treatment.

This will cause more burning than the 3 or 7-day treatments.


Like to know if you should get the brand name or generic store brand?


If getting a prefilled applicator type, choose the brand.

Store brands save money by using cheap devices.

You may open a prefilled applicator, and have a mess on your hand.

Some manufacturers offer savings coupon which will virtually bring the cost down to store brand level. See our manufacturer coupon center for any deals going on.


Among the ingredients, like to know which works the best?

Over the counter active ingredients for yeast infection are miconazole, clotrimazole, tioconazole.


They are all equally effective.

Can be used in different strengths giving you more options of number of days or dosage forms.

But 3-day offer more options of prefilled cream, suppository or ovule.

Only available as an ointment in a single dose.

Available as 2% cream for 3-day and 1% cream for 7-day.


Want to know if you should get the external cream?

Some come in the form of a combination of prefilled or tube and an external cream.


Get only if you are experiencing itching outside the vagina.

If no external itching, save money and skip the external cream. 

The combo cost more.


Those are the Q & As to consider before choosing a medication for yeast infection.

Here is a brief summary:

  • If cost is not a factor, choose the 3-day.
  • If convenience is a factor, choose the 1-day ointment (tioconazole).
    Except you've used the 1-day ovule before and did not experience any burning or you are not very irritated.
  • Should you decide to get the 7-day, must choose prefilled applicators.
  • If no external itching, no need for the external cream. Save cost.

If you have the time, you can compare side by side the over the counter yeast medications by tapping on the button below. 


Last updated by pharmacist on : 02/05/2016 at 11:32:pm


Compare Medications





Those are the Q & As to consider before choosing a medication for yeast infection.

Here is a brief summary:

  • If cost is not a factor, choose the 3-day.
  • If convenience is a factor, choose the 1-day ointment (tioconazole).
    Except you've used the 1-day ovule before and did not experience any burning or you are not very irritated.
  • Should you decide to get the 7-day, must choose prefilled applicators.
  • If no external itching, no need for the external cream. Save cost.

If you have the time, you can compare side by side the over the counter yeast medications by tapping on the button below. 


Last updated by pharmacist on : 02/05/2016 at 11:32:pm


Compare Medications





Those are the Q & As to consider before choosing a medication for yeast infection.

Here is a brief summary:

  • If cost is not a factor, choose the 3-day.
  • If convenience is a factor, choose the 1-day ointment (tioconazole).
    Except you've used the 1-day ovule before and did not experience any burning or you are not very irritated.
  • Should you decide to get the 7-day, must choose prefilled applicators.
  • If no external itching, no need for the external cream. Save cost.

If you have the time, you can compare side by side the over the counter yeast medications by tapping on the button below. 


Last updated by pharmacist on : 02/05/2016 at 11:32:pm


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Those are the Q & As to consider before choosing a medication for yeast infection.

Here is a brief summary:

  • If cost is not a factor, choose the 3-day.
  • If convenience is a factor, choose the 1-day ointment (tioconazole).
    Except you've used the 1-day ovule before and did not experience any burning or you are not very irritated.
  • Should you decide to get the 7-day, must choose prefilled applicators.
  • If no external itching, no need for the external cream. Save cost.

If you have the time, you can compare side by side the over the counter yeast medications by tapping on the button below. 


Last updated by pharmacist on : 02/05/2016 at 11:32:pm


Compare Medications





Those are the Q & As to consider before choosing a medication for yeast infection.

Here is a brief summary:

  • If cost is not a factor, choose the 3-day.
  • If convenience is a factor, choose the 1-day ointment (tioconazole).
    Except you've used the 1-day ovule before and did not experience any burning or you are not very irritated.
  • Should you decide to get the 7-day, must choose prefilled applicators.
  • If no external itching, no need for the external cream. Save cost.

If you have the time, you can compare side by side the over the counter yeast medications by tapping on the button below. 


Last updated by pharmacist on : 02/05/2016 at 11:32:pm


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Those are the Q & As to consider before choosing a medication for yeast infection.

Here is a brief summary:

  • If cost is not a factor, choose the 3-day.
  • If convenience is a factor, choose the 1-day ointment (tioconazole).
    Except you've used the 1-day ovule before and did not experience any burning or you are not very irritated.
  • Should you decide to get the 7-day, must choose prefilled applicators.
  • If no external itching, no need for the external cream. Save cost.

If you have the time, you can compare side by side the over the counter yeast medications by tapping on the button below. 


Last updated by pharmacist on : 02/05/2016 at 11:32:pm


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  • Recommendation is the opinion of a registered US Pharmacist currently practicing as a community pharmacist.
  • Recommendation is not an attempt to discuss all possible self care or treatment approach to this health challenge.
  • The responsibility of the recommending pharmacist is limited to this question:
    "If a patient presents with these symptoms, what will you recommend and why?"
    It is not an attempt to publish an article on the treatment of any condition. Just what would you tell a patient who present with so and so in the usual course of your practice.
  • The pharmacist image presented in this article may or may not be the actual image of the authoring pharmacist.
    Because we insist on using articles written by currently practicing community pharmacists, these pharmacists may choose to remain anonymous especially if they are employed by an employer to avoid being pressured to recommend a particular product to drive sales.
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Use the comparision table below as an aid in choosing a good yeast medication for you.

Tap on the " x " for more information. Use the Sort button to choose columns.

  Leaky Messy Burning Easy
Cream Learn more Learn more Learn more
Ointment Learn more Learn more
Ovule Learn more Learn more Learn more
Supp. Learn more Learn more
Can get messy. Get the prefilled for ease of use.
May stick with the 7 day for reduced burning. High concentrations more likely to burn.
These come in high doses of tioconazole 6.5% for a one time use. May cause burning if already irritated. Better in early stages.
Forms a thin liquid after melting which can leak. Better nighttime, though manufacturers say day or night. Daytime use may cause leakage due to activity. If daytime, use with a pad but do not use a tampon because it will absorb the drug.
When inserted, it stays in one place while melting to release the medication. This can irritate that particular area and set up a chain of painful sensation especially if it sits at an already irritated area.
Forms a thin liquid after melting which can leak. Better to use at night. Day time use may cause leakage due to activity.
Get the prefilled for ease of use.
Easy to use. Comes with applicator.
Usually comes in prefilled single dose.