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Pharmacist over the counter (OTC)
Pharmacist recommendation
for common child symptoms.
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What, where, when and how
to use this.
This assumes you are looking at a minor wrist sprain.
You will find answers for over-the-counter treatment that would help with the pain. Also measures to reduce and prevent any swelling and other signs of inflammation.
It would be nice to touch on ways to immobilize the wrist to prevent further injury in case you have to see a doctor.
With these goals in mind, see what is recommended below.
Applying ice
If it is a recent sprain apply ice compress for about 20 minutes 2 - 3 times a day.
This will help prevent any swelling and inflammation.
Use heating pad
If the sprain is now over 24 to 48 hours, use a heating pad or warm compress.
This should soothe the wrist and prevent any stiffness.
Rest the wrist
Keep it elevated if you can.
Take ibuprofen or naproxen to help with the pain and inflammation. This will also help prevent or reduce any swelling.
Pain relief creams
These reduce pain by acting as counterirritants.
Wrist splint
Follow these exercises at the link below once your wrist beings to feel better.
source: MedlinePlus
Last updated by pharmacist on : 03/07/2018
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