Let's narrow down the cause of the rash before you see what is available over-the-counter for skin rash.
First, let's rule out situations that may require emergency care.
Here is why:
We do not advice continuing. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.
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We do not advice continuing. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.
If this is the case, tap to start over.
We do not advice continuing. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.
If this is the case, tap to start over.
We do not advice continuing. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.
If this is the case, tap to start over.
Let's see what the rash is all about if you are convinced it is not an emergency situation.
Choose yes if you had fever that went away before the rash appeared in the past 1 or 2 weeks.
A sore throat with high temperature is typically the first symptom of scarlet fever followed by a bright red rash.
In a few days, the whole tongue may look red.
(strawberry tongue)
Symptoms include:
Symptoms of scarlet fever include:
Bright red coloration of the creases under the arm and in the groin called Pastia's lines may develop while the rash is still red.
If these symptoms does not apply to you, let's make sure you are not looking at something like shingles or other serious skin rashes.
If you are thinking scarlet fever, seek urgent care as soon as possible.
Symptoms include:
If you are thinking shingles, see our entry for shingles for a more detailed discussion.
If not shingles, then let's continue and see what may have caused the rash.
Give a brief overview of cellulitis. See webMD.
If you think you are looking at one, seek urgent care.
This can be deadly if not treated within the first 8 days of symptoms developing.
To be on the safe side, let's see the symptoms of rocky mountain spotted fever.
May spread to include most of the body later (including the palms and the soles).
Here is why:
If you suspect any of the signs discussed so far and you have been in contact with ticks, you should treat this as a medical emergency and see a doctor as soon as possible.
Though this is more common in children under 10, it can also happen to adults.
The ulcers in the throat would cause a sore throat.
This is a viral disease that can be spread from person to person. You can catch it if you come into direct contact with saliva, fluid from blisters, nose and throat fluids from an infected person.
Know that there is no specific treatment for the infection other than relief of symptoms such as fever and sore throat. But don't panic, complete recovery occurs in 5 to 7 days.
If you think you are looking at hand, foot and mouth disease, give the doctor a call for a complete diagnosis. If not, let's continue and see what else you are looking at.
You can get lyme disease if bitten by an infected tick.
Know that many people with Lyme disease never even feel, talk-less of seeing a tick on their body.
The deer tick that carries the bacteria can be so small that they are almost impossible to see.
Usually there may be a "bull's eye" looking rash at the site of the tick bite. This rash will expand as time goes on hence the name erythema migrans.
CDC website describe the rash as:
This red spot will expand in size as time goes on.
CDC website describe the rash as:
You will need further evaluation and possibly if determined to be lyme disease, an antibiotic like doxycycline. The earlier you start this the better. Don't delay.
Note that:
There are other symptoms of lyme's disease especially flu-like symptoms. If you have a history of possible exposure to infected black-legged ticks and have flu-like symptoms without any rash, seek urgent medical attention.
If none of these apply to you, then let's continue.
It usually mean a viral or bacteria infection is going on. Do not delay.
Because it is our strong opinion that you must seek urgent care, we would not send you to a pharmacist for any over-the-counter recommendation. There is no need treating a symptom when it is going to get worse.
If you are just going through this, then let's continue to take a look at a
rash without fever
Examples include eczema, allergy, poison ivy, ringworm, heat rash to name a few.
Let's continue and see if we can narrow it down a little bit more.
Other symptoms include:
Would you like to visit our entry for eczema and see what a pharmacist recommend you use or Continue?
Symptoms include:
Would you like to visit our entry for eczema and see what a pharmacist recommend you use or Continue?
If they apply to you, see our topic on eczema for a more specific discussion. If not, let's continue and check other things out.
Would you like to see our entry for ringworm infection or you don't think it is ringworm? If you don't think it is ringworm, let's continue.
If you think you are looking at hives, would you like to see our entry for hives?
Or continue to see what this rash may be about if you don't think it is hives.
If you think you are looking at hives, would you like to see our entry for hives?
Or continue to see what this rash may be about if you don't think it is hives.
List the signs of a heat rash.
Heat rash occurs when the sweat duct gets plugged due to dead skin cells or bacteria.
The trapped sweat leads to prickling, itching and to a rash of very small blisters.
If you suspect a heat rash, let's continue and see what the pharmacist has available over-the-counter to help with this.
If not let's check out other rashes and see what you may be experiencing or do you want to just see the nearest urgent care?
Or do you want to just see the nearest urgent care clinic to you?
Expand a little on contact dermatitis.
Check out the insect bites section for a more detailed discussion.
It would be a good idea to take a look at blistering rash.
Or do you think you should seek urgent care from the discussions so far?
Let's take a quick look at a few.
Though it is more common in children, adults can develop it after another skin infection or following a cold or viral infection.
You will have to seek urgent care for this. It is a bacteria infection that has to be treated with antibiotics.
Would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you or Continue?
Though more common in children, adults can develop it after another skin infection or following a cold or viral infection.
You will have to seek urgent care for this. It is a bacteria infection that require antibiotics.
Would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you or Continue?
Impetigo is a bacteria infection that is highly contagious. You will need to seek urgent care or see a doctor for this.
It can develop after another skin infection or following a cold or viral infection.
If you think you are looking at poison ivy, would you like to see our entry for poison ivy for a more detailed discussion or Continue.
If you think this is what you are looking at, see our discussion on poison ivy for a more detailed analysis. If not let's continue.
You should suspect scabies if the questions asked so far apply to you and you have been in contact with someone with scabies the last 2 months or so.
If you think you are leaning towards scabies, check out our entry for scabies. Else let's Continue.
If they did not apply to you, you may not be looking at a scabies infestation.
If you suspect something, see our entry for scabies for a more detailed analysis.
Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes skin irritation.
With psoriasis, you may experience thick, raised, red to pink skin with flaky, silver-white patches called scales.
If you think you are looking at psoriasis or have a family history of psoriasis, see a doctor for a more detailed evaluation.
Skin rash is the skin reacting to something. It is always better to get rid of the underlying cause.
Assuming you are looking at a minor skin irritation, let's see what is available for skin rash over the counter.
Or do you think you should seek urgent care after all these discussions?