They are generally harmless and often go away on their own within a few years.
You may be here because you do not like how the wart look or it is painful. .
Let's see what you can do about it.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Plantar warts are found on the soles of the feet.
Because of their location, they can become extremely painful.
Large numbers of plantar warts on the foot may cause difficulty when running and even walking.
Let's see how you can take care of this wart.
Let's continue and see what a pharmacist recommend you use to get rid of this wart.
Here is why:
If it is likely a common wart, then let's continue.
did it shave easily without pain or was it very painful?
Alright, one more question.
Tiny blood vessels grow into a wart and may appear as dark specks that look like dirt in the center.
Warts can appear alone or in groups.
Let's continue and see how to take care of this if you are thinking plantar warts.
Like to see what a pharmacist recommend over the counter or see the nearest urgent care clinic to you?