Stiff neck or neck pain discussed here assume you are having difficulty moving the neck, especially to one side.
Let's take a look at this neck pain.
Symptoms include:
Let's answer a few more questions.
We do not advice continuing for now. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.
Symptoms of meningitis include:
Meningitis is a medical emergency.
If you are sure it does not apply to you, let's rule out something else before seeing what a pharmacist recommend for this neck pain.
Here is why:
If your answer is "No" to the questions so far, you may be looking at a neck muscle sprain or strain.
You may have slept in a bad position or twisted the neck somehow.
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend over the counter to give you relief from this neck pain.
Would you like to do that or see the nearest urgent care clinic to you?