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Straight to Pharmacist


Skipping symptoms will take you straight a pharmacist's recommendation.

Checking the child's symptom is recommended.

Going straight to a pharmacist will assume:

  • You know the symptom and want to see what to use over-the-counter.

  • You would like to contact the pharmacist of an article.

  • You would like to leave a comment or contribute to a recommendation.

  • You would like to review a recommendation.

If this is the case, use the list below to go straight to a recommendation.


   Quick Symptoms


Quick children's symptoms

   Cold | Flu | Allergy

What do you think the child is looking at?




Which of these is the child experiencing?




Which of these is the child experiencing?



Which of these is the child experiencing?


   Mouth | Teeth

Which of these is the child experiencing?


   Nose | Sinuses

Which of these is the child experiencing?


   Throat | Chest

Which of these is the child experiencing?



Which of these is the child experiencing?


   Pelvic Area

Which of these is the child experiencing?



Which of these is the child experiencing?



   Legs | Foot

Which of these is the child experiencing?