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Child has a cold?

A cold is a viral infection of the nose, sinuses and throat.

Let's take a look at what is available over-the-counter to take care of this.

Mother with a child with cold symptoms


A cold virus infection leads to upper respiratory symptoms, such as runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, cough, and sore throat.

Cold symptoms usually start about 24 to 72 hours after your child came in contact with the virus, although it could take up to a week.

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How urgent?

Let's rule out having to call the pediatrician right away.

Or taking the child to the emergency room.


Is the child asthmatic?

Girl with spacer


Call the pediatrician or seek urgent care.

Here is why:

  • Colds may make asthma worse.

Nearest Clinic


Has this child been diagnosed with chronic bronchitis?

Girl with bronchitis being diagnosed by doctor


Seek urgent care or pediatrician.

Here is why:

  • Colds may exacerbate asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Nearest Clinic


Is the child experiencing severe difficulty breathing?

Child having difficulty breathing


Seek urgent care or the emergency room.

Would you like to see the nearest children's emergency room or Continue?



Any wheezing sound while breathing?

Boy with a wheezing sound


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Would you like to see the nearest emergency room to you or Continue?



Does the child have a fever ( over 104°F ? )

And this fever is not coming down?

hand holding a thermometer


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Like to see the nearest emergency room to you or Continue?



What about a fever that returned after being gone for 24 hours?

Mother holding a child with fever


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Like to see the nearest emergency room to you or Continue?



If you answered "No" so far, you may not have to go to the emergency room.

At least not for now. We are not out of the woods yet.

Just a few more questions.







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Any fever?

Does the child have any fever at all?

Checking child fever with hand

Choose yes if the child had a fever that went away.

Yes, fever No fever





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Has fever

Use the slider below to tell us the body temperature in °F.

Tap on "FYI" to convert from °C to °F if you need to.



Very low temperature

Are you sure the child is running a temperature?

Would you like to continue or enter another temperature value?



Normal or Low grade.

Older children with colds generally have a low fever or no fever.

Young children often run a fever around 100-102°F

Sometimes a low-grade fever can help your child get rid of the cold virus quicker.

Would you like to see the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you or Continue?

Nearest Clinic Continue


Temperature is rising

Older children with colds generally have a low fever or no fever.

Young children often run a fever around 100-102°F

Would you like to see the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you or Continue?

Nearest Clinic Continue


Temperature is high.

You should call the pediatrician right away. Your child may be looking at the flu or something else.

Your child may be looking at the flu or something else.

Would you like to see the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you or Continue?

Nearest Clinic Continue


Very high temperature!

Call the pediatrician right away or take the child to the emergency room.

If your child is under 6 yrs, this high fever may be accompanied by a seizure. If this happens, lay your child on his or her side and call 911 if this is the first seizure or if it is lasting longer than 5 minutes.

Would you like to see the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you or Continue?

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With this fever and cold symptoms, does the child feel irritable?

Irritable child





Does the child pull on the ear?

Or complain of earache if child can talk?

child holding the ear


Seek urgent care or call the pediatrician.

Here is why:

  • May be looking at a middle ear infection.

Would you like to see the nearest children's urgent care hospital or Continue?

Nearest Clinic


Is the child complaining of headache in addition to this fever?

Boy with a headache




What about severe body ache with this fever?

boy with bodyaches


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Here is why:

  • Probably looking at the flu.

Nearest Clinic


Are you looking at a child that look very sick?

If the child cannot talk but is crying and cannot be calmed down, regard that as a child that is very sick.

A tired boy


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Nearest Clinic


Does the child have a sore throat or headache?

But DOES NOT have runny nose, sneezing or nasal congestion?

Girl with a sore throat


Seek urgent care or call the pediatrician.

Here is why:

  • May be looking at a Strep Throat infection.

If the sore throat and fever lasts longer than 48 hours, the child would need to see a healthcare provider. Strep tests should be performed. If positive, antibiotics may be required.

Nearest Clinic


With this fever, any cough plus yellow / green mucus?

Girl coughing up stuff


Seek urgent care or call the pediatrician.

Here is why:

  • Possibly looking at acute bronchitis.
    This is an infection and inflammation of the airways.

Nearest Clinic


Any diarrhea, nausea and/or vomiting?

Or headache / body ache?

Girl with stomach ache


Seek urgent care or emergency room.

Here is why:

  • Probably looking at a Stomach flu.

Suspect stomach flu if there is no runny nose, sneezing or nasal congestion.

Nearest Clinic


Those were causes of fever that mimics cold symptoms.

If you still think you are looking at a cold, let's continue.
Otherwise, would you like to see the nearest urgent care clinic to you?

Nearest clinic Continue






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Is it a cold?

Which of the symptoms below is the child currently experiencing?

A few more questions before seeing the pharmacist's over-the-counter recommendation.


None of these?
Your child may not have a cold.

Would you like to continue with cold or check out something else?


You said itchy eyes, nose, throat, or ear.

If that's the case, your child may be looking at an allergy situation .

If it started all of a sudden, then it is most likely allergy. We recommend you visit the allergy section for more information.

Allergy Continue Cold


Pain around eyes?
Probably looking at Sinusitis. Child's sinuses may be inflammed.

Suspect sinusitis if child also has headache and dry cough.

If that is the case, you should give the pediatrician a call or visit the nearest urgent care clinic.

Urgent Care Continue







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How long now?

On what day is the child's cold?

Use the slider below to give an idea when it all started.


Just starting?

Alright, let's continue to see what a Pharmacist recommend using over the counter for this cold.



Getting full blown.

Alright, let us continue to see what a Pharmacist recommend using over the counter for the cold.



Sinus infection territory

It would be better to see a doctor. If symptoms are not improving, your child may be looking at a sinus infection.

Let us continue to see what to use over-the-counter for now until the child can see a doctor.

Urgent Care Continue






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Has the child taken something for this cold yet?

Boy taking cold medicine

Yes No





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Tried something

What has the child used for this cold so far?

Some suggestions are listed below.


Let's see what to use over the counter to manage this cold.

Expand on what to expect and so on.

Or would you like to go to the nearest children urgent care center to you from the discussions so far?

Nearest Clinic Pharmacist


Just a pain reliever?
Let's see what to use over the counter to manage this cold.

Expand on what to expect and so on.

Or would you like to go to the nearest children's urgent care center to you from the discussions so far?

Nearest Clinic Pharmacist


None of these?
We must have left some things out.

Anyway, let's continue to see what a pharmacist recommend you do to help your child get over the cold.

Or would you like to go to the nearest children's urgent care center to you from the discussions so far?

Nearest Clinic Pharmacist







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Nothing yet

Let's see what is available over the counter to manage this cold.

Would you like to do that or if you think it is urgent from the discussions so far, we can show you the nearest children's healthcare clinic.

Urgent Care Pharmacist