Motion sickness occur when your child is feeling movement but the eye is not seeing any movement.
The inner ear tells the brain that it senses motion, but the eyes tell the brain that nothing is moving. When this happen, the brain gets confused and as a defence mechanism make you throw up in case it is a poison you ingested.
Let's see what you can do about your child's motion sickness.
But there are other things that you should rule out before you can assume it is motion sickness the child is looking at.
Would you like to see what a pharmacist recommend for motion sickness that is available over-the-counter?
Or do you need a refresher to be sure the child is experiencing motion sickness?
(This will assume a first time occurence).
We will assume it is happening to the child right now.
You can also follow along if you want to prevent it from happening. The best way to take care of it is prevention.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
Let's continue with finding out if your child is experiencing motion sickness.
Here is why:
Symptoms include:
Symptoms include:
Let's take a look at those things so he or she can learn how to avoid it in the future.
If your child is prone to motion sickness, he or she has to take preventive measures before exposure to what may cause it.
Once symptoms start, all you can do is manage it. For instance, if the child is throwing up, give anti-nausea medication and so on.
Certain things can trigger it or make it worse. Let's see what these can be.
Have the child go to a well ventilated area.
Here is why:
Have the child stay with small amounts of food, like crackers or drink ginger ale.
If possible avoid food or fluids altogether while traveling.
You should always have an idea what triggers it for the child and take medications to prevent it or use other preventive measures before the symptoms start.
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend you give the child over-the-counter to help with this motion sickness.
Or do you want to go to the nearest children's urgent care clinic from the discussions so far?