It is important to recognize what could set off some types of headaches because they can be dangerous or require treatment of the underlying cause.
For instance, dental or sinus infection could set off a headache and if not treated, the headache may not go away.
Let's continue and see what your child is looking at.
We have to take this seriously.
Call 911 if the vision is also changing.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
But let's make sure your child is not looking at an emergency situation like meningitis.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
If the neck is so stiff that the chin cannot touch the chest, call 911.
This is serious unless you are sure it is a nerve problem or something you know your child has.
Meningitis can quickly become a life-threatening illness. Early treatment is important.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
These can be life threatening and require emergency care.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
Here is why:
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
Here is why:
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
Some headaches may be a sign of a more serious illness. It was important we eliminated those threats.
Let's continue and see how you can take care of your child's headache.
Let's see if your child is really looking at tension headache or something else.
Symptoms include:
Symptoms include:
Symptoms include:
Symptoms include:
Symptoms include:
Tension headaches tend to start from the back of the head and spread towards the front.
The pain is usually like a band squeezing the head and it tends to be on both sides of the head or all over.
It might be worse in the scalp, temples, or back of the neck, and even in the shoulders.
This is because they occur when neck and scalp muscles become tense, or contract in response to something like stress, dental problems, computer work, eye strain, caffeine use, head injury, anxiety or cold and flu.
Let's continue and see what we can come up with.
With 10 being child can't function right now.
Probably looking at a headache due to a slight cold coming up.
Let's continue and answer a few more questions before we see what a pharmacist recommend you give your child for headache that is available over the counter.
Let's continue and answer a few more questions before we see what a pharmacist recommend you give your child for headache that is available over the counter.
Let's continue and answer a few more questions before we see what a pharmacist recommend you give your child for headache that is available over the counter.
Choose from the list below if any.
Would you like to do this or take the child to the nearest urgent care clinic for this headache?
Would you like to do this or take the child to the nearest urgent care clinic for this headache?
Note that some illness like a flu, cold or strep throat usually start with a headache.
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend to help with this headache at least for now.
Would you like to do this or take the child to the nearest urgent care clinic for this headache?
All your child can think of right now is finding a quiet, dark and peaceful place to just lay the head.
We will also assume your child is taking prescription migraine medications.
Have your child do the following for now:
Let's continue to see what a pharmacist recommend you use to help with this migraine headache that is over-the-counter.
We will take a look at the symptoms of migraine headache and move forward from there.
Usually, one would feel the headache pain in the back of the head, behind the eye or in the back of the neck.
Just a few more questions
It usually start as a dull ache that will get worse as time goes on.
Symptoms include:
Symptoms of migraine include:
Symptoms usually include:
The numbness typically start in one hand and spread to the arm and face.
We will assume your child is looking at migraine headaches. If you are still not too sure, let's explore some more.
We will assume your child is looking at migraine headaches. If you are still not too sure, let's explore some more.
Let's continue and see how we can help your child with this migraine headache if you are sure this is what you are looking at.
They can reflect as changes to the sensation, balance, muscle coordination, speech, or vision.
We listed some below. Which of these may have occured to the child?
Know that not everyone who suffers from migraines develop an aura.
Sinus headache pain is due to swelling in the sinus cavities that are behind the eyes, nose and cheeks.
Usually, sinus headache is secondary to inflammation of the sinuses.
Before we see what a pharmacist recommend your child take for sinus headache that is available over-the-counter, let's see if it is a sinus headache in the first place.
The sinuses are in the facial area and problems with the sinuses will lead to pain in the face.
Sinus symptoms include:
Symptoms include:
A few more questions to rule that out.
The pain tend to get worse when one first wake up in the morning or when bending forward.
If your child answered "No" to most of these questions, then we suggest you talk to a healthcare provider for further evaluation.
If you are thinking a sinus related headache, let's make sure it is not a sinus infection your child is looking at.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Discuss a little bit of what to expect from the recommendation
Sinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses due to viral, bacterial, or fungal infections or allergic reactions.
Acute sinusitis is usually caused by a viral infection followed by a bacterial infection. This is because the viral infection impairs the ability of the sinuses to clear bacteria from that area. Bacteria will now colonize the sinuses leading to infection.
Your child will need to see a doctor for some kind of antibiotic.
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend you do until he or she can see a doctor.
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend your child take or do that is available over-the-counter to help with this sinus headache.