This must be causing a burning sensation or pain in your child's mouth.
Let's get started on how to provide relief.
If the sore is on the outer part of the lips or side of the mouth, you will be looking at a cold sore.
Canker sore (inside the mouth) would cause a burning sensation or pain and this can last for about one week.
It would be important to rule out anything major that might be causing it such as drug allergies, any kind of allergy or viral infection.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Before we continue to see what a pharmacist recommend you use over-the-counter, let's see if your child is experiencing a canker sore in the first place.
Or do you think you should see the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you from the discussions so far?
This may be the beginning of the formation of the canker sore.
It would be important to rule out serious conditions that can mimic canker sores
Would you like to continue with canker sore for now or see the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you?
This way your child may be able to avoid it and prevent it from happening in the future.