Cold sores

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cold sores?

A cold sore is a common contagious condition.


Keep in mind the risk of transmitting the cold sore virus while your child is at it. Take special care to avoid contact with infants.

How do you know your child is experiencing cold sores anyway?

Girl looking at lips in a mirror

Just to be sure, let's see what you are looking at.

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Cold Sores

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Is it cold sore?

Are you looking at small fluid-filled blisters on the child's lips?



Are you looking at blisters that are red, raised a little from the skin surface?


Cold sores can be red and raised a little.


Any blisters that are yellow and crusty?


This is a sign of a cold sore.

Cold sores can be:

  • Small fluid filled
  • Red and raised a little
  • Yellow and crusty


Are you seeing small blisters filled with clear yellowish fluid?


This can be a symptom of a cold sore.

Cold sores can be:

  • Small fluid filled
  • Red and raised a little
  • Yellow and crusty
  • Blisters with clear yellowish fluid


Do you see leaking blisters?


More than likely looking at a cold sore.

Cold sores can be:

  • Small fluid filled
  • Red and raised a little
  • Yellow and crusty
  • Blisters with clear yellowish fluid
  • Leaking blisters


Those were some of the physical signs of a cold sore.

If you think you may be looking at a cold sore, let's continue.

Else, your child will want to see a doctor for further evaluation.

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Cold sore

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Where does the child have the blister or rash?

Near the eyes?
Your child will have to see a doctor for this.

Herpes infection may be severe and dangerous if it occurs in or near the eye.

This is a leading cause of blindness in the United States as it causes scarring of the cornea.

Would you like to have the child visit the nearest urgent care or Continue?

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Let's take a look at warning signs of a cold sore.


None of these?
Child will have to see a doctor for further evaluation.

Would you like to visit the nearest urgent care or Continue?

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Cold sore

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Warning signs

Did the child experience tingling or burning near the lips or mouth area?

Before the blister(s) appeared?


This is one of the warning signs of a cold sore.


What about itching of the lips or skin around the mouth?


This is a warning sign of a cold sore.

Warning signs include:

  • Tingling or burning near the lips or mouth area
  • Itching of the lips or skin around the mouth


If this is on the lip, is the whole lip swollen?


May not be a cold sore. Possibly an insect bite or allergic reaction.

Have child visit the nearest children's urgent care clinic.

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Did he or she have a sore throat before the blisters appeared?


Sore throat sometimes occur before the blisters appear.

Warning signs include:

  • Tingling or burning near the lips or mouth area
  • Itching of the lips or skin around the mouth
  • Sometimes a sore throat


Any fever before the blisters appeared?


Warning sign. It is sometimes called fever blisters.

Warning signs include:

  • Tingling or burning near the lips or mouth area
  • Itching of the lips or skin around the mouth
  • Sometimes a sore throat
  • Fever


Were the glands swollen before the blisters appeared?


This is a warning sign of a cold sore.

Warning signs include:

  • Tingling or burning near the lips or mouth area
  • Itching of the lips or skin around the mouth
  • Sometimes a sore throat
  • Fever
  • Sometimes swollen glands


Has he or she been around someone with a cold sore for the past 3 weeks?


Chances your child is looking at a cold sore is high.


We just went through the warning signs of a cold sore.

Let's see if your child need to see a doctor for this or if you can take care of it with a pharmacist's recommended over-the-counter remedy.






Cold sore

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How bad is it?

Is this an outbreak?
An outbreak is having many blisters at the same time.

This may include:

  • Smaller blisters that may grow together into a large blister.
  • Small red blisters that break open and leak.
  • Blisters filled with clear yellowish fluid.

Would you consider this an outbreak?


Has the child been diagnosed with cold sore by a physician before?

or this is the first time experiencing cold sores?


Continue with what worked for your child in the past.

If he or she...

  • Used a prescription medication before:
    Call the doctor for a refill or a new prescription. Doctors are aware of re-occurences and your child may not have to go in and see the doctor.

  • Still have the cream or pills prescribed last time:
    See if they are not expired and use them as per the previous directions

  • Have no doctor at the moment:
    Continue to see what a pharmacist recommend over-the-counter until your child can see a doctor.

  • Used an over-the-counter cream before and it worked fine:
    Then repeat it. It should work as before.

Would you like to see what a pharmacist recommend your child use over the counter or visit the nearest urgent care clinic for help?

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First time?
See a doctor when experiencing cold sore for the first time.

You need to be sure what your child is dealing with.

If you are sure it is a cold sore you are looking at, let's see what is available for cold sores over-the-counter.

If after 2 weeks, there is no improvement or your child have had this cold sore for 2 weeks now and there is no improvement, he or she must see a doctor.

Would you like to see what a pharmacist recommend or visit the nearest urgent care clinic to you?

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