Coughing is a way to clear the large breathing passages from secretions, irritants, foreign particles, bacteria and viruses.
There are dry (no mucus) and productive (brings up mucus) cough.
Before seeing what to use over-the-counter, let's make sure this is not an emergency or urgent care situation.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
You should only continue if your child is not experiencing the question asked.
Potentially fatal emergency situations include an allergic reaction.
Let's find out if the child need to see a doctor for this cough and how urgent.
Here is why:
Especially if the child is experiencing:
Possibly looking at Tuberculosis.
Here is why:
Here is why:
A dry cough is the body's attempt to clear a foreign sensation present in the throat.
This sensation is due to inflammation of the throat and airways as in the beginning of a cold or flu or with inhaled pollens.
Let's see what may be causing the dry cough.
If the cough started after your child started taking this medication, discuss this with the doctor.
Do not stop giving the medication unless told to do so by the physician.
Assuming the cough is due to runny nose or that your child is coming down with a cold, let's see what a pharmacist recommend over-the-counter to take care of this.
If your child has a cold or flu, it is usually in the middle of the illness as the throat is trying to get rid of all the mucus that has been produced.
It is important to thin the mucus and expectorate it (bring it up).
A thick mucus could accumulate and block the respiratory pathways.
Moreover, you want to bring it up and out rather than let it carry all the bacteria and viruses to the lungs thereby providing a risk for pneumonia.
Let's see what is available over-the-counter.
Or would you like to go to the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you?