Sinus cavities can get inflamed, swollen or accumulate mucus causing a build up or pressure in these cavities.
If the openings from the sinuses into the nasal passage become blocked, a vacuum within the sinus cavity can lead to negative pressure resulting in sinus pain and pressure.
Sinuses are filled with air and lined with mucus membranes. They produce mucus which cleans and moistens the lining of the nose and throat. The nose allows for free exchange of air and mucus with the sinus.
Before seeing what a pharmacist recommend for sinus pressure relief over-the-counter, let's make sure it is sinus pressure your child is experiencing.
Symptoms include:
Let's continue and see how to take care of this if you think your child is experiencing one.
There are different causes of pressure in the sinuses. Eliminating this pressure will go a long way to providing relief of the symptoms.
Usually in a healthy sinus, air and mucus are able to flow between the nasal passages and the sinuses easily.
If mucus blocks the nasal passages due to the small hairs in there not working properly to move mucus out, or if a cold causes too much mucus to be produced and blocks the opening of the sinuses or even if nasal polyps block this openings, one will be looking at a sinus pressure build up.
Let's make sure the sinuses are not infected since bacteria and other germs can grow easily in the build up of mucus.
Next questions will check for signs of infection or inflammation.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
Let's see what we can come up with if you don't think you are looking at a sinus infection.
If you think you are, your child will have to see a doctor. Nothing over the counter will take care of this.
Would you like to see the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you from the discussions so far?
The symptoms are usually:
Here is why:
If you think your child is looking at a sinus infection, improving the drainage in the sinuses and fighting the infection with antibiotics will help resolve it.
Child should see a doctor for detailed evaluation and if needed, a prescription for an antibiotic.
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend to help improve sinus drainage that is available over-the-counter.