This can go away on its own. Or it may be a sign of a serious problem leading to dehydration and loss of energy.
We will start by making sure your child is not facing a medical emergency.
The most common cause is a viral infection of the digestive track. Bacteria and parasites can also cause diarrhea and this can be very contagious. This will usually be preceded by nausea and vomiting.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
By continuing we will assume you are convinced from the questions so far that your child is not facing severe dehydration, at least not yet.
Let's see what type of diarrhea your child may be experiencing, how it started, what may have caused it, severity, and so on.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
Meanwhile, have child drink lots of fluid to prevent dehydration.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
Let's see what we can come up with.
See the entry for stomach flu for a more detailed discussion or would you like to Continue?
Stomach virus can affect one person or a group of people who all ate the same food or drank the same water.
Would you like to see the entry for stomach flu and see what a pharmacist recommend or Continue.
If you think your child is looking at stomach flu or virus, see our entry for stomach flu for a more detailed analysis.
If not, let's take a look at some other possible causes of diarrhea in children.
In this case, child is having problem digesting lactose (sugar found in milk products).
Know that certain types of sugar substitutes in excessive quantities can also cause diarrhea.
If it continues for more than 2 days, your child will have to see a doctor for this.
It could be due to the nerves, something speeding up movement of the intestines or even has to do with some types of hormones.
If it continues for more than 2 days, have child see a doctor.
They kill both the good and bad bacteria in the intestines.
If the good ones are not replaced on time while the bad ones grew faster, this can lead to diarrhea.
Also diarrhea causing bacteria such as Clostridium difficile can grow after the use of antibiotics.
Probiotics should be able to help with this. The pharmacist will discuss this with you later.
Signs of dehydration include:
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend for diarrhea. But before that just one more question.