If not, we will discuss what is available over-the-counter for earache relief.
Most of the time, what you think is an ear pain caused by ear infection may actually be referred pain.
The pain may be coming from your teeth, throat, sinuses or TMJ (temporomandibular joint)
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
Here is why:
If any applied to you, seek urgent care. You don't want to take chances of hearing loss either now or down the road.
If none apply to you, then let's continue and see what else we may be looking at.
Here is why:
Seek urgent care if any applied to you. If none apply to your situation, let's continue
Symptoms include:
Symptoms of swimmer's ear infection include:
Would you like to see our entry for swimmer's ear or Continue?
If they apply to you, seek urgent care or call the doctor. You will need antibiotic or steroidal ear drops among other things. None of these are available over-the-counter.
If none apply to you or you don't think this is swimmer's ear infection, let's continue and figure this earache out.
Symptoms of TMJ include:
Symptoms of TMJ include:
Symptoms of TMJ include:
If you are looking at these symptoms, you will have to see a doctor as soon as possible.
If you think you are looking at one, see a dentist or call your doctor for complete evaluation.
If not, let's continue and see what else might be causing this earache you are experiencing before we see what a pharmacist recommend you use over-the-counter.
If a feeling of fullness in the ear or partial hearing loss is what you are experiencing with this ear pain, we may probably be looking at earwax blocking the ear canal. Check out the entry for earwax for a more detailed discussion.
If this is not the case, let's continue.
If a feeling of fullness in the ear or partial hearing loss is what you are experiencing with this ear pain, we may probably be looking at earwax blocking the ear canal. Check out the entry for earwax for a more detailed discussion.
If this is not the case, let's continue.
Would you like to see our entry for tootache or Continue if you don't think so?
Pressure in the sinus cavities from a cold or sinus infection can increase the pressure in the middle ear causing it to ache.
Other causes of earache that you may come accross include earache during or after a flight (Barotruama).
For what may be causing your earache that we did not touch, seek urgent care if the pain is serious or call the primary care doctor.
Let's see what a pharmacist recommend until you can do that.
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