Running Nose

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Runny Nose?

Probably due to virus, pollen, bacteria, dust and so on.

Let's have an idea of what is causing the runny nose.

Child with finger in the nose

You can then decide if you need to call the pediatrician right away, wait till tomorrow, see if a pharmacist can recommend something or even go to the emergency room.





Runny Nose

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How bad is it?

Is this runny nose as a result of a head injury the child had?

In other words, did the child fall and hit the head and now the nose is runny?


Go to the Emergency Room.

Seek urgent care

Would you like to see the nearest hospital or Continue?

We do not advice continuing for now. You should only continue if you are not experiencing the question asked.



Is the runny nose discharge just on one side of the nose?


May be looking at an object in the child's nose.

Check to see if you find something. If not, let's continue.


Does the child also have fever (high or low grade) with this runny nose?


May be looking at a cold of flu.

Would you like to see the entry for cold or flu or Continue?

Cold Flu


What about itchy, watery eyes?



You are more than likely looking at an allergy situation.

Would you like to see the discussion for allergy relief or Continue?



Has the nose been runny or congested for more than 10 days now?


See a doctor.
Complications can develop from this length of time.

Here is why:

  • The mucous drainage may plug up the eustachian tube between the nose and the ear, causing an ear infection and pain.

  • The mucous drip may also plug the sinus passages, causing sinus infection and pain.

  • Excess mucus running down the back of the throat may cause a cough that is usually worse at night and prevent the child from sleeping well at night.

  • A sore throat may also result from too much mucous drainage

Nearest Clinic


Assuming a minor case of runny nose from here on.

If none of the discussion apply to your child's runny nose, then you may be looking at a minor case.

It is important to watch out for complications if it continues for more than a week and call the pediatrician as soon as possible.

FYI Continue




Complications from this length of runny nose might include:

  • The mucous drainage may plug up the eustachian tube between the nose and the ear, causing an ear infection and pain.
  • The mucous drip may also plug the sinus passages, causing sinus infection and pain.
  • Excess mucus running down the back of the throat may cause a cough that is usually worse at night and prevent the child from sleeping well at night.
  • A sore throat may also result from too much mucous drainage

If the runny nose goes on for longer than a week, take the child to the doctor.





Runny Nose

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Just runny nose?

Any other symptoms in addition to this runny nose not including coughing?

Yes None




Runny Nose

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Take the child to see the pediatrician.

Would you like to do that or see what a pharmacist recommend to help with the runny nose until your child can see a pediatrician?

Urgent Care Pharmacist




Runny Nose

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Let's see what is available over the counter for a child's runny nose.

Expand some more and send to a pharmacist

Urgent Care Continue