Ear pain in children can result from:
We will first attempt to figure out what may be causing the earache.
Then determine if your child has to seek urgent care or call the pediatrician for appointment.
Symptoms include:
Symptoms include severe ear pain followed by:
Symptoms include severe ear pain followed by:
If you suspect this is the case, you should seek emergency care for your child.
Insertion of objects into the ear canal purposely (eg, cotton swabs) or accidentally is a common cause of ruptured ear drum.
Ear infections may also cause a ruptured eardrum in children.
The infection causes pus or fluid to build up behind the eardrum. As the pressure increases, the eardrum may break open or rupture.
Let's see what else may be causing the earache that will require urgent care. Or do you think you should see the nearest children's urgent care clinic to you from the discussions so far?
Take a look at the ear infection discussion.
You may want to take a look at the ear infection section.
Would you like to see the entry for ear infection or Continue?
The same virus that cause the cold also can cause an ear infection.
If these apply to your child, you will have to call the pediatrician.
If not, let's continue and see what else he or she may be looking at.
Symptoms include:
There is usually no fever or trouble sleeping.
Would you like to see the entry for earwax or Continue?
If you suspect a toothache, seek doctor's office visit or have your child see a dentist.
If your child has been swimming, check out the swimmer's ear section and see if he or she is experiencing a swimmer's ear infection.
If the profile discussed above does not fit into your child's earache, we strongly recommend you call the pediatrician. Do not wait. If it is an ear infection, complications may arise if not taken care of in time.
Let's continue and see what a pharmacist recommend you do for now to help with the earache that is available over-the-counter.